Supervision Information

Requirement for Members

Our Full Membership UKHC Members are required to attend Supervision on a regular basis, regardless of how long they have been in practice. This is unique to the UKHC as we believe in the importance of ongoing reflection, development and support to ensure that as a hypnotherapist, you continue to work intelligently and skilfully with your clients. Supervision can be conducted 1:1 in person, online, over the telephone or as part of a group.

We require ALL Full Membership UKHC Members to:

  • Attend Supervision for a minimum of 6 hours per annum
  • Keep details of each Supervision Session

We are currently working on a new system so that UKHC Members will be able to upload their Supervision details online through our website. Members will receive details of how to do this when the system goes live. The Supervision log will include the following details:

  • Date of Supervision
  • Name of Supervisor
  • Length of session (in hours)
  • Type of Supervision (1:1 in person, online or group)
  • Focus and outcome
  • Total hours

If you have any questions about UKHC Supervision requirements please contact our Supervision Officer

Requirement for Supervisors

If you hold the following qualification or accreditation you can apply to be listed and approved as a Supervisor for UKHC:-

  • NCH Supervisor
  • GHR Acknowledged Supervisor
  • AFSFH Supervisor
  • NCP Supervisor
  • ICH Supervisor
  • MindWorks Supervision Course
  • Clinical Supervision Certificate
  • BACP Accredited Supervisor
  • Certificate in Counselling Supervision
  • Certificate in Integrated Supervision

If your current Supervision Qualification does not match the above criteria, please email our Supervision Officer and briefly set out your experience in practice, together with any experience and or qualifications (i.e. – not just in hypnotherapy but also previous fields of work, such as nursing, education, business) relevant to supervision, we will be most happy to give this our full consideration.

Supervision Groups

UKHC are committed to encouraging and helping small Supervision Groups form throughout the country. The requirements for Groups are:-

  • Led by a UKHC Accredited Supervisor
  • Led by a Supervisor qualified from an Organisation other than UKHC
  • Every session, each attendee presents a case/issue/requirement. Although we understand that great learning arises from listening to others cases, it is vital that there is space and time for all to be heard and supported individually albeit in a group
  • Groups are run regularly; bi monthly to run in line with UKHC supervision requirement of 6 hours per annum
  • Supervisors to update their Supervision Group Profile with attendees details and reflective feedback
  • Supervisees to update their Member Profile with details of Group and reflective feedback

Please note Members do NOT have to be UKHC Members to join a UKHC Supervision Group.

If you would like to form a group and be listed in your area, please get in touch with the Supervision Officer.

About Supervision

We believe the UKHC Supervision relationship needs to be:-

  • Qualitative – quality control in working ethically with people
  • Developmental – skills, understanding, abilities, resources
  • Supporting – providing emotional and professional support

We feel it is important to note, there is no requirement by UKHC for Supervisor and Therapist to have the same preferred model or way of working.

Supervision provides:-

  • A reflective space for learning – support and development to become more effective
  • Ongoing development process for professionals of all levels – moving on from ‘required’ standards to grow to excellence
  • A framework for therapists to set boundaries and work more intelligently and skilfully
  • A focused attendance to a therapist’s personal and professional development

The Supervision relationship will:-

  • Support development personally and professionally, so that therapists are able to provide best practice to every client
  • Identify and clarify expectations of the supervisee, allowing the relationship to develop with clear boundaries and realistic role expectations
  • Create a working alliance
  • Encourage awareness, attention, being present and open
  • Review and develop practice
  • Provide a forum to attend to emotional, professional and business wellbeing and growth
  • Give feedback to allow perspectives to broaden, generation of new ideas, and maintenance of good standards of effective practice
  • Give a foundation for growth, commitment, competence and engagement by allowing ideas to flow whereby new learning can emerge

The Supervisor

Key reflection point for the supervisor:

“How do I enter this field of conversation so that my supervisee becomes better at what he or she does?”

Key characteristics of the effective supervisor:

  • To develop, protect and inspire
  • Be a role model
  • Be a compassionate observer/witness
  • To challenge – suggesting shifts in thinking
  • Facilitate reflective learning
  • Set up a regular habit, structure/routine that is applied to the process of reflective learning
  • Support best practice
  • Create safe, open spaces
  • Skills development for new therapists
  • Reflective learning framework
  • Build confidence in the supervisee to use their own inner resources and skills
  • To provide a co created learning environment that supports the supervisee in their development to provide best practice to their client and feel personally resourced
  • Be a forum to attend to their wellbeing and growth
  • Be responsible for protecting and wellbeing of client and therapist

The Supervisee

To get the most out of Supervision you should embrace the following:

  • By reflection and review the supervisee can develop, re-energise and feel supported
  • Be present with oneself
  • Enquire and learn from experience
  • Receive feedback, broaden perspective, generate new ideas
  • Give a consistent and professional service in the best interest of the client, whilst attending to ones own wellbeing, both professionally and emotionally

Reflection and insight rests with the supervisee.


For more information or to get in touch please contact the Supervision Officer.